Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5th Blog Post: Reflection

My creative field was Baking and when I decided to do my own creative baking project, I decided to make Hawk’s Nest Cookies. The most fun part of this project was the actual making of the cookies. I love to bake and if I had more time, and was better at it, I would do it to relieve stress and to just get my mind off of school and work. The most difficult aspect of this project, for me, was deciding what to change to make it my own. With baking, you don’t have a lot of options because most of the ingredients required are important and if you change or add an ingredient, it could change what you are baking, either in a good or bad way. It took me a long time to decide what to change about these cookies. I hadn't actually figured it out until I bought all the ingredients. I saw the bag of m&ms and it just clicked. I knew that it had to be a small change, so I just changed the color of the m&ms to make them more special to me by incorporating KU. In doing this, it makes the cookies more original. Some people may have had these kind of cookies before, but probably not specific to their college and probably not specific to KU. While I don’t know if that is 100% accurate, I do know that it isn't something most people would think of to do. I feel like I did experience flow while making my cookies. I lost track of time, except while the cookies were baking. I found myself lost in the directions. When it was time to roll the dough, I just focused completely on that and nothing else. It was fun to not have anything else to worry about, besides making the perfect cookie. I really liked Mackenzie Schutz’s way of making shadow art. I thought it was really creative and would be fun to try sometime! It was neat because you could cut out any animal or shape and make it into shadow art. I didn't know anything about it and so it was cool so see how she created something on her own like that. Creativity, to me, is taking something and learning a new way to go about doing or creating it. Putting your own spin on things and making them your own. 

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